Language : English
Genre : Biography | Drama | Thriller
Director : Olivier Stone
Cast : Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Nicholas Cage
We all know Snowden, the notorious whistleblower who showed us the true colors of U.S. intelligence community. In 2013 Snowden released thousands of secret documents about the mass surveillance and this film shows the journey of Snowden from a Military recruit to a whistleblower.
The film starts with the Hong kong interview of Snowden with the guardian's Ewen MacAskill ( Tom Wilkinson ), Glenn Greenwald ( Zachary Quinto ) and Poitras ( Melissa Leo ). then the story unravels through flashbacks into Snowden's life.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt delivers a stunning performance as Snowden and frankly, he alone took the film to another level. The film became thrilling and enjoyable through his convincing performance as Snowden. His ups and downs, paranoia and fear of cameras, his love life - we experience everything and emotionally connect with him through Joseph Gordon-Levitt's superb performance.The film lags a bit during the middle and lost its pace during the romantic parts of the film. But towards the end, the film gets interesting again and I can't forget Snowden's smile as he walks out of that facility with the secret's.
This is a truly inspiring story of a man, who lost everything just to let us know that we're being watched. I felt goosebumps when the real Snowden is shown at the end of the film. I end this review by quoting Snowden's words in the film
" The greatest freedom I've gained is the fact that I no longer have to worry about what happens tomorrow because I'm happy with what I've done today "Rating: 4/5
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